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How do I start?1) Click on Book Now! This will take you to our online portal where you will create an account for yourself and your pupper. 2) Upload vaccine records to this portal. 3) Book "First Day Visit" for your pup, be sure to take note on the times available. 4) Wait for confirmation email (check your spam the first go around)
What does a first day look like?Welcome to our doggy haven, where we make every effort to ensure your furry friend feels right at home. Our process is tailored to creating a smooth and comfortable introduction for your dog into our close-knit pack. Upon arrival, we'll gently inquire about your dog's preferences and habits through a series of check-in questions. This insight allows us to better understand their unique personality and needs. Your dog will then be gently guided to a cozy, designated area where they can begin their journey with us. Throughout their initial visit, our experienced team will gradually introduce your dog to the other members of our pack present that day. We're attuned to the subtle cues and signs that indicate a harmonious fit, and we respect the individuality of shy or more reserved dogs. Understanding that trust takes time to build, we're prepared to extend the integration process over multiple visits until your pup feels completely at ease. After an hour of interaction, we'll provide you with a personalized report card detailing your dog's progress and how they've been faring among their newfound friends. To ensure a fulfilling experience, we recommend a minimum stay of four hours, a period that we've found to be optimal for a dog's first visit. Recognizing the demands of busy schedules, we offer the option for your dog to remain with us for the rest of the day. Rest assured, your dog is in capable hands, and you're free to arrange their visit on your workdays without any worries. We understand that maintaining a productive routine is important. Don't forget to inquire about our webcams! You can catch glimpses of your furry companion's adventures and interactions from afar, providing you with peace of mind throughout the day. Join our community and give your dog a memorable experience in our pack-focused environment.
Do you give treats?We THRIVE with treats! We find this allows us to bond with our pack members, get them interested in us, and allows us to work on daycare related behaviors like recall, off, and group sits! We will try our best for your dog with allergies to not be giving treats directly but chances are they will get a few here or there. We ask that you have your dog wear a "do not feed" collar to limit treats given and that if your dog has a severe allergy to reconsider our pack.
What do I bring for boarding?All your dog will need for boarding is their own personal food. We ask that their food be preportioned out in ziploc bags as this makes it easiest on our staff. Each dog will have a personal locker, so please keep in mind that bins, backpacks, toys, bedding will not fit. A reusable grocery bag or plastic bag will be just fine! We do not like having personal dog beds/blankets as they tend to get peed on by other dogs. Don't worry we have plenty to share!
How should we prepare medications?If you would like us to give your dog medication while they are here we can do so. We do ask that you do not send them in pill bottles but have them in a daily organizer. We also ask that you edit their online profile on their current medications with details on how to administer. Please provide pill pockets, cheese, or whatever enticer works for you.
Do you have toys out all day?YES! Our pack thrives being able to have toys out on the floor. They range from tennis balls, chews, our monthly barkbox goodies, jolly balls, to ball pit balls. If your dog does not do well around toys we unfortuantly will not be the best fit. We also cannot remove toys from the floor based on one pups needs, so if you have a dog that ingests toys we would ask you to reconsider. We do our best to manage the pack when toys are out but it is not always guaranteed that they won't be able to get a piece down before we get to them.
Do you have water out?We have water on the floor at all times. Don't be worried if your pup gets home and decides to drink a whole bowl! Some dogs are not social drinkers or simply do not want to miss out on any action. We are two large watering stations on each floor. Every suite has their own water bowl for our overnight guests. We also can put an icon on your puppers account if you feel they need individual water breaks.
What is the latest I can drop off my dog?Our last drop off of the day is 11am. That being said if you drop off at 11am there is a $15 late fee. We find that late arrivals usually do not settle in time for boarding as well as late daycare arrivals come in with a whole different energy then the rest of the pack.
What vaccines are required?Rabies, Dhpp, and Bordetella. Puppies under 14 weeks can come without rabies but must have three DHPP.
What are the treadmills for?They are a pawesome pack management tool for us. Some dogs have excessive energy and romping around with their friends isn't enough. There are very few dogs that get a full run in most are at a steady paced walk. If you would not like your dog to partake in this enrichment we can place a do not tread icon to their account.
If I cancel my boarding reservation what happens to my deposit?If canceled two weeks prior to the reservation you will receive a full refund. After, you will receive half and if under 48 hours, none.
How should I prepare my dogs boarding food?Please ziploc bag each meal. Only label bag with dogs name and with an AM/PM if different each meal. Place the meals in a grocery bag or reusable bag. If there are meds, be sure to update your pet profile for the dosages and write detailed notes and place in bag also. Each dog gets their own locker during their boarding stay and there is minimal space. Please do not bring food containers, backpacks, or bowls.
What is your crate policy during daycare?Our policy for kenneling dogs is 30 minutes or less without prior approval. We do have kennel runs that we may place your pupper in during daycare if it is requested that they take breaks by the parent or if a staff member believes your pupper needs a break for a behavioral issue. WNDP does not use crates, although we do have a few back up XL crates on the premise for dogs that may be able to jump our kennel runs.

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